Monday, April 29, 2024

2024 - day twenty-nine

 The prompt is to use one of a list of ten words from Taylor Swift's recent album.


Knitting is the art of joining holes together

Using wool, and knitting needles.

When I was a child my mother,

My aunt, and my great-aunt,

All knitted cardigans for me;

So that I was kept warm by a collection

Of holes surrounded by coloured wool.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

2024 - day twenty-eight

 The prompt is to write a sijo.

With soft footsteps you came to me

    and joined me for the breaking dawn,

Your presence welcomed this new day

    and told of promised joys to come,

You lay beside me, soft and still,

    a cat awaiting breakfast time!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

2024 - day twenty-seven

 The prompt is to write an American sonnet.

It appears that someone has dumped an unwanted item

And instead of taking it to the actual dump

They have dumped it in a public location where it might 

Accidentally encourage someone else to take a dump.

It would seem that someone has ceased to require

A toilet seat and instead of disposing of it

Sensibly and in the accustomed fashion

At a place where such things can be deposited

They have dumped it in a public place that

Has required significant effort to transport

Said toilet seat and where the toilet seat

Has no natural affinity with its surroundings.

Instead of dumping it take it to the dump

And thus hopefully avoid someone taking a dump!

Friday, April 26, 2024

2024 - day twenty-six

 The prompt is to use alliteration, consonance and assonance.

As evening falls I gaze across the Flow

And see the sunlit sky reflected far below.

A rare time this, with barely any wind,

A setting sun, and curlew's calls to find

The memories of a soft spring changing day.

Sun-warm, rain-washed, and not yet May.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

2024 - day twenty-five

 The prompt is one question from a Proust Questionnaire.

"What is your greatest regret?"

Are regrets great or

Are they really annoying

Trivial hiccups?

2024 - day twenty-four

 The prompt is to start with a line from a poem.

They fuck you up, your mum and dad,

However hard you try to avoid them.

They in turn had parental influences

From an earlier and less tolerant age.

Or was it, was it really less tolerant,

Or was it simply different?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

2024 - day twenty-three

 The prompt is a poem about a super-hero.

The alarm goes off whilst it is still dark,

But its strident tones remind you that

Someone somewhere needs you.

Your coffee is half drunk, but with 

One eye on the clock and one hand

Grabbing stuff you leave.

You leap into your vehicle and speed

Along dark and just-waking streets

Until you reach . . . 

The hospital, and start another long

And weary day as a nurse.