Friday, April 17, 2020

Day the seventeenth

Today the prompt is 'forgotten technology' and doggerel wins the day. My thanks to Ivan Drever for recording the album that came to a sticky end!

I've ne're forgotten

Today I have to tell you a tale of loss and woe,
A rainy day's tale of deep disaster
So sad a tale, as sad as these things go,
A tale to cause real tears (although of laughter!)

I was cooking in the kitchen as I often did
Baking cakes to bring us pleasure and much joy.
I had music in there with me, a necessary aid
For music helps to further every ploy.

I had a tin of treacle, and I needed just one spoon
But it was set and hard as iron in the tin
So in order to make it softer, and do it very soon,
To the nice hot waiting oven it went in.

I waited for ten minutes, to get it nice and warm,
And while waiting changed cassettes, as you do.
Never thinking that the heat would do me any harm
It would simply make the tinful less like glue!

I'd put the tape down on the side, to wait till I was done,
And grabbed a towel to keep my hands from burning,
But the towel was wet and I dropped that tin
And hot treacle is runny as I was learning . . .

I dowsed the tape and stood on its case
My legs were all sticky and spattered
The tape was a goner, I'd need to replace,
And as for the case it was battered!

So the end of this tale, I am sad to relate,
Was one dead cassette and not even one cake!

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